Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Our House Update #5

Yesterday was day 2 of painting as I continue to build houses on the project.  All those windows are starting to drive me a bit crazy but I do love them.  I realized yesterday that my color was tending to be a variety of blues and some other color needed to be introduced, the logical color for pop would be a complimentary color of blue which is an orange.  The middle house was perfect for a brick type color and really added the pop I needed.  Working all over the painting instead of focusing on one section at a time helps to visualize the piece, where it's going and avoid value problems.

I have help from my computer below for color and value reference where the photos are displayed while working.  I don't necessarily feel constricted to follow the photos but use it as a guide.  For instance the brick colored house in the painting was actually a white house, you can see it way to the left on the computer monitor.  Artist license is a wonderful thing!

I hope you are finding time to discover or enjoy new interests while staying safe at home.  And for those of you who are on the front line continuing to work to keep us healthy and doing all the necessary functions to keep things going for our communities, I am deeply appreciative for all you do and pray for your safety!  We cannot do this without you.
Deborah Ann Kirkeeide copyright

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is looking just lovely. I look forward to these updates and can’t wait to see the creative process continue.
