Saturday, May 20, 2023

Grandma Time


My niece who is now a grandmother for the first time asked me to do a grandson painting for her.  She sent a couple of photos to choose from, this reference I knew in my heart was the best but the prospect overwhelmed me.  I had to pump up my confidence and really I thought what's the worst that could happen, a ruined  panel and a bruised ego.  Been there, done that.  Making some changes from the photo reference, I pumped up the color a bit and removed some clutter from the bottom with a few other minor changes.  The photo reference was beautiful telling such a sweet story.  Sometimes you have to put your big girl pants on and move forward, I'm glad I did.

Congrats to my niece, what a blessing to hold your new little one and show him the world.

Deborah A. Kirkeeide ©

I See You


Click Her For More Info: $250, 9x12 inches, acrylic on watercolor paper

I have been working on and off on this painting for over a year and truth be told, working more off than on.  Something about it bothered me so it sat (the off time) until slowly, very slowly the realization was the background trees weren't working.  What to do?  Well it should have been obvious but no, so it sat for awhile longer.  I finally made the addition of more colorful leaves covering the offending trees.  You can see the first version below.  So new additions deserved a new title and Hidden Purpose became I See You.  Now the question is:  Who is seeing who?

Deborah A. Kirkeeide ©