Saturday, April 11, 2020

Update #9

This update is really from a few days ago, I've painted since and will post that one in a day or two.  This paint session was all about painting the big window with the two figures and I can't even remember how many times I changed the frame colors, nothing seemed to work.  When I say changed the color I mean the dominate color since I always use a mix of many colors.  This version is the best so far and may be tweaked a bit in the future or maybe not.  The first version the frame peak was dark and that's where your eye went then right off the edge.  It needed to be painted in such a way to complete the window but not lead you out of the picture.  If you notice there is a circle pattern leading your eye around the composition for example follow the bright yellows: the foreground girl, the yellow in front of the man and the bush behind the man, the tree in the middle background then the grass in front of the tower house and back to the girl.  There is also a circle of orange within the circle of yellow and centers around the middle house.  It was both a conscious and subconscious effort.  I mean subconscious in this way, when you notice something is off yet don't know why or what's wrong but you know something is not working, that's when consciously you start to work out the problem.  Does that make sense?  It's part of being open to letting the painting lead you where it wants to go.

Part of me wants to get rid of the big window, the other part of me is saying keep working on it and make the window better.  Which voice will win?  I'm pretty stubborn and don't like to give up on things which is not always good.  How would you vote, remove or leave?

I've really enjoyed this project but I'm looking forward to moving on wherever the next inspiration leads.  Stay well, keep positive and HAPPY EASTER!  One of the things I love about the little girl (my Mom) is the Easter basket with what looks like a price tag still attached.

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide copyright


  1. I like the idea of the whole family in the composition. I would continue to work on the big window. Perhaps the scale of the two are off and may need to be reduced in size and be less saturated and softened?

  2. Hi Deb and Happy Easter! I am no way an artist, but I think it maybe should be a little smaller in size? It seems a bit overpowering?? Love the little girl. I love knowing it's your Mom.

  3. The comment above did not have my name. Hopefully this comes through now.

  4. Thanks for your feedback Kathy and Jacque! I think it’s time to take a break from the painting for awhile so I can come back and see it with new eyes.
