Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Our House Update #4

The paint process has begun!  Yesterday I made my first brushstrokes on this project, still not sure where it's going but will get inspired as it develops.  I'm already seeing possibilities with color, it helps to stand back to see the whole project.  This is the part where I want to paint 24/7 but that's not a good idea, you need to take breaks and get away from it for awhile.  Then you come back and see it with new eyes.  When I get really stumped it's best to leave it for a few days or maybe weeks.

And I have a tip about transferring images onto a painted surface (which some of you may already know) make a black charcoal carbon, it works perfect for small details.  This was particularly helpful with the figures.

Stay safe out there, be well and be positive.  This to will end.

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide copyright


  1. I love where this is going! Looking forward to the next update...

    1. Thanks Jacque. All these windows are starting to get to me even though I love them.
