Thursday, March 26, 2020

Our House Journey

I've been in California most of the winter helping my daughter through surgery and recovery.  I returned just as things started heating up regarding the coronavirus then put myself on quarantine which ends this Saturday.  I'm well and planning to use this home time to hunker down in my studio, stay positive and create.  Things have been crazy for my family since last September, I won't bore you with the details only to say that I've not painted or created in a long time.  So looking for inspiration I pulled out some old pieces started for a mixed media class, a large one with a multitude of layers.  I had planned to tear the paper into smaller pieces once I layered it but now I want to work large.  I can't believe I said that!  Out of the blue I've become inspired to do something with houses and windows, I'm going to name it Our House after the song.  The plan is to create more of a collage look, bits and pieces incorporated to create interesting shapes and designs.  How this will work I've no idea, I'm just going to go for it, hope for the best and if it works great, if not there's always gesso or tearing into smaller pieces.  So I will blog this journey as the work grows, my successes, disappointments and failures.  I'm confident that this piece will evolve, change and grow as time goes by.  No hurry, stay well and keep positive!

I'm hoping to leave the background showing through in areas, this will be a huge challenge.

Preliminary Sketch (very rough)
So now I have a plan, Lol, I'm already changing it.


  1. Large, yay! I hope you put two cats in the yard! You go girl!

  2. Large, yay! I hope you put two cats in the yard! You go girl!
