Saturday, August 7, 2021

Mom Collage

 Ever since my Mom passed in 2013 I've been obsessed with creating art pieces, mostly mixed media, from old family photos of her image.  We have a lot of great photos of her, my Dad loved taking photos and his photos of Mom remind me of the pin up girls popular in the 40's, (I'll be trying some of those one day).

I feel closer to my Mom searching through these photos and capturing her image.  Even though I never knew the Mom child her personality shines through the photos and brings me to a closer understanding of who she was along with her many life stories she shared.  Maybe this is my way of bringing her back, or giving her extra love that I should have been more generous with.  Do I have to have a why?  My Mom was an artist, a painter, I hope she would be happy with these little pieces.  She was my greatest fan, I will always miss talking art with her.

In the two sisters piece my Mom is on the left in blue, bottom picture she has the white hair.  She only had one sister among four brothers and she loved her dearly.  The "Fly" piece is a face photo of Mom as she was embarking on a new adventure by moving to Arizona, I believe she was 16.  

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide copyright


  1. These are lovely! You are so gifted with your mixed media pieces.

  2. Thank you Jackie! I just now saw this comment, sorry it's taken so long to respond.
