Saturday, May 2, 2020

Stripes and Tea

Paint fun this morning working on paper with a black gesso ground.  The paper is made by Canson and called Canva-paper, it has a bit of a canvas texture.  It's good paper to work on as it's a nice weight and holds up well.  I use it all the time for mixed media.  This is a nice way to break into painting in a loose painterly style again.  I don't worry about screwing up since it's paper which takes the stress off and let's me just enjoy.  Painting on black gesso is good value practice, values are just your lights and darks for any non-painters out there.  Values have always been difficult for me.

Stay positive!  Get out and go for a walk or bike ride and enjoy spring, if you can't do that then just sit in the sun.  Hooray for spring!

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide copyright 

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