Click Here For More Info: $150, 6x8 inches, Acrylic on 1/8" Ampersand Gessobord
My Mom brought me this really pretty paper weight from her trip to London years ago. Mom has since passed so it's a treasured memory and it's sparkly glass paired nicely with the delicate peony. And yes I treasure everyone of my peony blooms in fact so much so that it took years for me to even cut a bouquet.
I've been spending this week drawing alpacas at a drawing camp. Getting to know four beautiful boy alpacas who were recently sheared of fluffy coats. At first I thought darn wish I could have drawn them with the fur but now I realize it's great seeing their bone structure which gets totally obscured by fur. I may post some of my drawings later and may even do a painting.
Deborah Ann Kirkeeide ©