Click Here For More Information - 8x8 inches, acrylic on 1/8" Ampersand Gessobord
This photo reference (from Pixabay) was sitting on my desktop for weeks waiting to paint, the wait was almost unbearable. The patterns, shapes and colors drew me in, I found them irresistible. And there are those dots again! Whenever I start something with so much detail, halfway through I fuss at myself for the choice. But there's that inspiration which can't be ignored and drives me to paint.
My acrylic paintings are protected by an acrylic satin varnish and I use professional acrylic paints: Winsor Newton, Liquitex and Utrecht. The Ampersand gessobord's are 1/8" thickness, a museum series panel which are acid free, archival. All my paintings are signed, dated with the paintings information on the back.
It's almost Christmas! May you find peace and joy this Christmas even when things aren't "normal". Maybe we have more time to reflect on the hope and promise this season brings.
Deborah Ann Kirkeeide copyright