Monday, June 10, 2024

St. Croix Trail


Acrylic 12x12 inches, painted on a DaVinci cradled pro panel, a new panel for me.

This is painted using my photo reference from a favorite place to hike on the Wisconsin Minnesota border along the St. Croix river.  Tall cliffs, huge rocks and wonderful trails.  You can sit on the cliffs and watch the old time paddle boats go by filled with vacationers.  Great memories here with children and grandchildren.  I gifted this painting to my grandson for his recent wedding.

The panel is super smooth, no texture and the paint slips and slides along the surface letting the paint flow.  It almost felt like working with oil again.  And I'm trying some new brushes, Catalyst by Princeton Flats, they hold more paint and again more flow.  Loving them!  Always good to try new things because you never know what you might be missing. Thanks to Acrylic University for valuable tips and information.

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide ©

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