Thursday, October 16, 2014

Autumn Tea

Click Here To Buy It Now - $100, oil on gessobord, 6x6 inches

#3 in my pumpkin challenge series and my favorite so far.  The day I sat down to paint I was tired and really thought it would be unsuccessful and wiped off.  There is something magic that happens to me as I paint, the world goes away and I become re-energized, it requires me to stay the course and not give up however.  That's not saying I don't have paintings that miss the mark but most times if I hang in there I'm rewarded.  So stay the course, don't give up!


  1. Love the qualities of all the values. Did you plan how #1 has one item, #2 has two and #3 has three? :O)

  2. Hey Jackie, I'm just now figuring out how comments work, lol. I think I replied to this question via email. ? Anyway, no it was a total accident but interesting how that turned out.
