Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Recent Class Drawings


Working on some drawings for my virtual Rumriver Art Center drawing class coming up soon, Sept. 30th.  Wow it's almost here but I'm feeling ready and I have some cool reference photos: some mine, some and one borrowed with permission from a friend.  The blue heron above is my newest reference and the one borrowed from a friend.  Her husband sets out nature cameras to capture wildlife and somehow makes photos from videos.  There were geese on the right side but cropping them out made a much simpler and better composition for the class.  There are so many things you have to think about when looking for class reference materials; good contrast, simple yet interesting, and follows lesson plans.  Then time to experiment to see if the sketch will work in the class time frame.  Preparation is work!  But the kind I like.

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide © 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Harbor Of Expectations


20x20 inches, acrylic on stretched canvas.  This started as another exercise in abstraction and just turned into something, well a little different.  I've longed to travel to faraway places, my dream Italy, so the imagination kicked in with the help of a few photo references.  The houses and the boats were separate images from, the rest was pure imagination and wishful thinking.  I imagine olive trees, vineyards, red roofs, narrow cobblestone roads and a coastline dotted with sails.  It's a happy painting, makes me smile to know what's waiting for me........and you.  The plans are in the works!

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide ©

Memories Of The Heart

12x12 inch acrylic on a Da Vinci Pro Panel (cradled panel).  This is another of my abstracted paintings finished awhile ago and I have another in the works.  The painting process begins with palette knives then switching back to brush work.  Its a very challenging and time consuming technique but keeps me away from perfectionism which weirdly allows for more freedom.  

Once I figure out how to mail a painting this size they will be offered for sale.  Fall of 2025 there will be a solo show of my work at Rumriver Art Center in Anoka where my new paintings will be displayed for sale.  So if you live in the area save the date September 13th 2025. 

I've discovered the problem with my blog, it doesn't like Safari any more, there seem to be no problems when working in Chrome.

 Deborah Ann Kirkeeide ©

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Blog Problems

 I'm unable to add any new images at this time.  Hopefully the issue will be worked out so new images can be added at a later date.  My new virtual drawing class through Rumriver Art Center is right around the corner, starting September 30th for 8 weeks.  If interested here is a link to check it out.  Supplies for the class are included: One 7"x10" sketch book, 3 art pencils, 2 erasers, blending stump, 2 colored pencils, 1 piece of toned paper.

This blog is going wacko, sorry for the issues.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Spring Profusion


Another abstract:  12x12 inches, Acrylic on cradled panel

Experimenting and playing with new techniques and materials.  I'm loving the cradled panels, palette knives and Catalyst brushes.  The abstracts are finally becoming a joyful process.  I play with them for days seeing where they will go, where they will take me.  

This one has been entered in a local competition, fingers crossed it gets in.  I will not be disappointed if it's rejected, I believe it's one of my better pieces.


Deborah Ann Kirkeeide ©

Tuesday, July 2, 2024




My very first completed abstract that I like!  Something is clicking finally.  The palette knives came out which belonged to my Mom and were new to me but they added the texture needed.  They made such a big difference and guided me through the process.  Working with thicker paint, letting go of edges and just plain letting go was a great eye opener.  So much more fun than representational subject matter.  I'm moving forward with more abstracts!

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide ©

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Skip It


Click Here For More Info:  $125, 6x6 inches, acrylic on watercolor paper

Who could resist a great photo reference like this (another from  I couldn't, it represents everything, good memories of a simple life, grandchildren, pets and sunshine.  I'm working to loosen up and let details go, just simplify which isn't as easy as it sounds.  

A black gesso ground was applied to the watercolor paper before painting.  

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide ©